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TradeLeaves Buyer Marketplace

4.8 ( 5248 ratings )
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개발자: TradeLeaves
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Find verified Manufacturers, Suppliers, Exporters, Importers from top countries for all your product needs. Connect and Trade Online with Verified Businesses.

No matter what buyers need to buy, TradeLeaves App is the best place to find it! Locally or internationally. TradeLeaves App helps buyers find suppliers with the best products!

How does TradeLeaves Marketplace App help buyers?

Wider choice of suppliers and products
Wider choice of service providers that can help with inspection, verification, labs, certification, testing, freight forwarding, logistics, customs processing and other required services.
Procure confidently from new markets
Locating domestic and global manufacturers, suppliers and exporters with ease
Efficiency in identifying suppliers resulting in time savings and convenience
Easy search and navigation
Research supplier and service provider information online
Detailed product information with high resolution images
Detailed service information
Detailed supplier and service provider company information
Direct interaction with suppliers and service providers
Networking with suppliers and service providers
Intelligent reviews and ratings
Knowledge base providing information on compliance, rules, regulations, incoterms, duties and tariffs.
Estimated Landing Costs
Estimated Delivery Timelines
Features that help in Easy Decision Making
Order-processing and tracking
Compliance checks when placing orders
Offering third-party services (Finance, Freight Forwarders, Shipping, Packaging, Customs Clearance…) and APIs to Partner Systems
Verifying and protecting buyer transactions
Supplier and Service Provider Company verification
Accessing trade-related services
Intelligent, Cost Effective and Efficient procurement
Dashboard to easily access and manage inquiries and orders
Company and Individual accounts to collaborate with colleagues

About TradeLeaves

TradeLeaves makes Cross Border and Domestic Trade simple through its online platforms comprising of Marketplace, Business Listing and Information Services (BLISS) and Classifieds. TradeLeaves user-friendly digital marketplace makes increased visibility and exponential growth a few clicks away.  TradeLeaves helps Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and large companies alike to streamline global or domestic trade processes such as discovery, marketing, compliance, payment, procurement and fulfillment; and provide all you need to trade locally or across borders with confidence and ease. TradeLeaves supplements the online platform with its own professional services and escrow services as well as third-party services. Simply put, TradeLeaves makes it easy to buy and sell anywhere in the world—cross border or domestic